Is It Time to Contemplate Wooden Architectural Mass Timber Constructions?
Wood is no longer seen as outdated, nostalgic, or rooted in the past, but rather as one of the most promising building materials for the future.
Wood as a material is becoming more valued for its intricate anatomy and intrinsic features as more is learned about these natural processes. New research programmes are beginning to tap into this pool of materially ingrained design possibilities, researching new computational approaches to wood in architecture, using computing as an interface between the digital and physical environment. New technologies for advancing wood architecture have been developed at an unprecedented rate in recent years.
Material-aware design procedures, which incorporate the awareness of the subtleties and complexity of a material known for thousands of years into computational processes, have developed from being an easily available material to becoming the seed of a revitalised interest in wood. The consideration of the modern link between computers and wood is put into context by tracing out the co-development of computing processes and computer-numerically controlled production.
Opening doors for mass timer construction and greater competition than ever before in wooden architecture
Wood construction is highly technical, as evidenced by the large number of standardised and approved wood construction products and fasteners. Engineered wood construction has many facets and will undoubtedly develop more in the future. The increased awareness of the environment, as well as the need to construct energyefficient, climate-neutral structures without depleting resources, has sparked greater interest in wooden buildings, a unique form of construction, than ever before. Modern timber structures are high-tech assemblies with unrivalled aesthetics. Furthermore, well-designed load-bearing structures are extremely light and efficient, and wood has high strength for a low self-weight. Many architects around the world have been inspired by their unique forms to use this time-honoured building material.
The wood construction industry is exemplifying changes. Evidently, wood as a building material is experiencing a "rebirth," thanks in part to the development of advanced engineered wood products, which are becoming increasingly popular due to their improved technical performance. Computational processes and cutting-edge technologies have found fertile ground in the wood construction industry. Because of its machinability, wood is an ideal material for numerically controlled and robotic machining, transforming the traditional wood manufacturing industry into a high-tech sector, shifting production away from commodities and toward mass-customized, high-end products.
Technological Advancements
Architects and engineers typically use multiple design tools sequentially or concurrently, with a central workhorse. Communication and collaboration are mediated by technology. Collaborations in digital architectural design first took off in the 1990s, when the Internet brought together remote expertise to solve complex problems. While social media tools have made it easier to connect, successful digital collaboration is still dependent on how well communication tools integrate with other work processes (for design ideation, evaluation, modification, and prototyping). Regardless of software data exchange standards, interoperability between software platforms necessitates testing and, in some cases, negotiation.
Digitalization and Integrated Design in the Wood
Advances in design computation and simulation allow for the investigation of material-specific properties of wood as a generative driver in design. Developments in design computation and robotic fabrication enable direct feedback between manufacturing constraints and form generation, allowing for the exploration of novel constructional systems and spatial articulation in wood architecture. Wood fabrication by robots Industrial robots, as opposed to task-specific CAM machines, which have been used in wood fabrication for decades, are more universally usable and flexible fabrication setups. Subtractive robotic wood fabrication techniques include axis milling and robotic drilling. Digital wood processing Digital technology is widely used in today's saw mills and wood processing, such as scanning logs and algorithmically determining the most profitable break up. Advanced wood scanning techniques, such as computer tomography, produce comprehensive, three-dimensional anatomic datasets of the log.
Intricate wood technology, trialling the connection's feasibility in terms of tolerance compensation, structural performance, and design space. A unique robotic fabrication workflow for the automated spatial assembly of discrete timber members, robotic surface manipulation and spatial positioning capabilities, as well as automated gripping and cutting, A full-scale demonstration object with a robotic fabrication system integrated and real-time sensor feedback The key is to monitor the actual geometry of the individual timber members so that the digital blueprint and the machine's pre-computed motion path can be automatically adjusted based on material reality. A common digital workspace that provides data management and communication services can ensure that all people work together on consistent project information. This can be as simple as an online filing system with protocols for library checkout and check-in, versioning, automatic backup, artefact commenting, and online linking.
Trends in Wooden Architecture
The leading design trends of 2022 are predicted to be sustainability, responsible material use, and the rise of the "biophilic design" trend. The building and construction sector is one of the most polluting industries, accounting for approximately 39 percent of energy and process-related CO2 emissions and 36 percent of final energy consumption. Fortunately, an increasing number of architects, engineers, contractors, and owners/operators are prioritising sustainability. Using wood as the primary building material in urban living spaces can have a significant impact on the environment and people's well-being.
The growing enthusiasm of builders and architects towards mass-timber construction .Why are they so geared up?
Mass timber construction is revolutionising wood architecture.
The term "mass timber" refers to a broad range of products with varying sizes and functions, such as glue-laminated (glulam) beams, laminated veneer lumber (LVL), nail-laminated timber (NLT), and dowel-laminated timber (DLT). However, cross-laminated timber is the most common and well-known type of mass timber, and it is the one that has opened up the most new architectural possibilities (CLT).
• It can contribute to the cost of good forest management on public lands.
• Built more quickly, at a lower cost, and with less waste
• CLT meets code for fire safety.
• It reduces carbon emissions and aesthetically appealing
• The performance of mass timber in earthquakes has been astounding.
• It has the potential to create jobs in underrepresented rural areas.
Commitment to sustainability and Designing for wellness
Sustainability is a complex topic that presents numerous challenges. When it comes to creating sustainable living environments, the materials used are extremely important. Wood is a natural, renewable, and sustainable material that emits less CO2 than steel or concrete. And, if you choose thermally modified wood, it is treated with only heat and steam, no chemicals. Timber is an ancient building material, but it can be used in modern ways without sacrificing its sustainability values. A variety of timber profiles and colours allow you to achieve the texture and depth you desire for your home.
The global megatrend of sustainability can also be seen in the small changes we make in our homes. It entails using wood for interior design, choosing earthy colours, adopting a "living with less" attitude to reduce environmental impact, and creating home spas and saunas for much-needed relaxation. Taking care of one's physical and spiritual well-being has become a priority for many, and this includes making one's home the focal point of one's efforts.